
And it takes some words to make an action, And it takes some work to make it work

Howdy! I was checking those "stats" things and I noticed that there's other people too (wow)! But you know, from other countries. And because English is kinda international language, I thought I could write in English. There's going to be typos, I know that already, and maybe "boring text" but... I'm a Finn, what did you expect?

Haa haa, isn't racism funny?

And that reminded me about homework! Aww poo. Luckily I've already made my Swedish homework so all I have to do is... to... wait...

All I have to do is read!



Neeh history is kinda fun (when I keep saying that history is fun history is fun history...) but I'm just a lazy reader. But I like good grades though. I just wanna draw and listen to the music and stuff. And I've had school for... what, two weeks? This is gonna be a tough year. 

And yes, I didn't have anything new (except this English, just tell me if it bothers you) to say but I wrote anyway. So I wouldn't have to read. Wouldn't had... have... didn't need to... yeah:


I'll make some of those "Day 1, day 2"-things at some point! (Yay?) 

Have a nice day/night/morning!   

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